===== Registration ===== Costs to participate in the game are €20,-- for players and €10,-- for umpires. The game material will be distributed as pdfs by email. If you want to receive your game material also in print by snail mail, we charge an additional €5,--. === Registration form ====
Action mail dy16@megagame-makers.nl thanks "Thanks for registering for this game. We will contact you through email." Fieldset "Your information" Textbox "Name" textarea "Your Postal Address" Email "Your E-Mail Address" fieldset "Your role" select "Select a Role" "No preference|States member|Politician|Field marshal|Admiral|Game Control" select "Select a province/team" "No preference|Holland, no preference|Holland, Amsterdam|Holland, Rotterdam|Holland, other|Zeeland|Utrecht|Gelderland|Overijssel|Friesland|Stad en Lande (Groningen)|Oranje" select "Request game material also in print" "No|Yes" Textbox "Team name" ! textarea "Other information" ! submit "Register"